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Dear Summer

Dear Summer, This letter is to tell you we're through I've had long hot months to consider our relationship And it's not me It's you You've given me many sleepless nights Tossing and turning in despair All the windows thrown open Trying to get some air. You've completely scorched my garden, And not allowed the slightest cool breeze. Wisteria is wilted, daffodils drooped And you killed my maple tree. And though you kindly dry my washing With your relentless heating powers You've stayed too long, and make me pong Despite 2nd hourly showers. My power bills are through the roof From having air con on all day, I've had enough, pack up your stuff And kindly go away. I confess to a new love you see, And Autumn colour I need to embrace but whenever I think I've seen the last of you You show your ugly face. But the break won't be forever So don't despair Summer dear When...

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