A flash of inspiration from the sick bed.

A beautiful swan I photoed in Switzerland.  Travel is on the agenda.
Yesterday I had plenty of time to think as I writhed about on my sick bed.
I spend 98% of my time being mother, housewife and working woman and spend very little time doing things that make my heart sing.  In fact I can't remember the last time my heart belted out a tune .  So much of my day is taken up with what needs to be done, be it at home or at work.
I realised I must change.  I need to take some time for myself so I can then be happy with time spent on my most important job - being a mum.
I picked up a book I fell in love with recently but have taken ages to read because I'm always too busy doing things that I think are important - but will only need doing again tomorrow (housework being the number one soul killer here).  It spoke of having a hobby and learning a language ( Italian being the example) and I took it as a sign.  I saw the phrase "La Bella Lingua" (the beautiful language) in the book and by chance I happen to have another book by that name.  It's about the Italian language, so  I started it last night when the aching subsided enough.  There's 2 things I love right there - reading and learning Italian.  I am in love with all things Italian (and French) and am cross with myself for letting the unimportant things get in the way of my passion.
Another thing I love is knitting.  My mother taught me when I was a girl and I used to make the loveliest garments.  I have a basket full of patterns and a list of requests from my family so I picked up the needles today and started on some gloves.
Tonight I looked at the box of old documents and photos I gathered when I started researching my family tree.  I am going to finally put them in order.
There are other things that make my heart sing.  Drawing, traveling, dancing, I could go on.  Things I've started but never did anything with.  However I don't want to overdo things and overload myself.  So I'll start with the Italian study, knitting, and family tree. 
I feel a tune coming on.................................


  1. I think its very important to have a little time to oneself. You can rediscover yourself and I personally believe that makes you a better, more content, happier person.
    I hope that you are able to learn Italian, knit lots, and work on the family tree.

  2. Thank you so very much Indie. Or should I say Grazie mille :) I'm a more contented person already and my family has noticed. Thank you for stopping by and I'm very much looking forward to your next recipe.


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