A quickie before the holidays

This will probably be my last post before Christmas.  My life is taken up with compiling lists , organising menus, decorating and shopping.
And I'm having a blast.
So for a last little peak into the life of the closet queen (that sounded so much better in my head - note to self, New Year think of another nickname for myself) I will post a photo that has appeared before, but also works wonderfully here.
I've checked the weather report and it's rain all the way through Christmas, well at least that's the case for Sydney, but I have a feeling that the rest of the East Coast will suffer similar.  So the essential fashion items I will be schlepping about in my are my trusty wellies and umbrella.  Now I see hundreds of black umbrellas about and similar coloured wellies, and I wonder to myself "isn't this weather dull enough?"  Put a little colour into your wet weather gear and not only will you stand out for any oncoming traffic, but you will also feel a little brighter.  My ultimate favourite colour is cherry red, but I opted for purple when selecting my boots and brolly.  I guess I was feeling a tad rebellious at the time.  My wellies I purchased in a little corner store in Dee Why for a song, the brolly however cost $30 in Avalon.  A stupidly expensive price for a compact brolly (well I thought so anyway) but I did love the design.  You can pick up beautifully coloured umbrellas at any pharmacy for $10 and they will look just as great.
So now you can splash through the happy season without worrying about avoiding life's puddles.
Picture taken by hubby in Munich
Happy Christmas everyone!

Photos taken by Moi unless otherwise credited.


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