rolling jaffas down the aisle

Last week hubs and I went to the Hayden Orpheum Picture Palace to see 'Leonardo Live'.

Photo from Sydney Architecture
It's a wonderful old cinema and theatre complex built in the 1930's, was horribly "developed" in the mid 20th century, (concrete facade, shopping arcade and gym) and was partly restored (those areas left after the ugly concrete facade and shops were finally removed) and partly renovated in the original style in the 1980's.

Photo from Sydney Architecture
Photo from Time Out Sydney
There are six cinemas in all. Each one is different and a feast for the senses.  Old technology has been replaced by digital projection and sound, and two of the cinemas also stage concerts.
Photo from Time Out Sydney

Photo from time Out Sydney

There is the usual ticket office and munchies bar in the foyer, but also a relaxing piano bar further back for intermissions.  Wonderfully dignified ticket ushers in very sophisticated uniforms take your ticket at the door.  It's like 'going to the pictures' pre World War II.

I'm going back next month for a French film festival.


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