I'd like to thank .................

A wonderful thing about "Blogtopia" is that it gives me a place to escape to when I'm feeling at my lowest.  Thankfully I'm not as low as I was.  Hubby is 2/3 way though treatment and if anything, this experience has brought us ever closer.  I didn't appreciate how strong and loving our little family unit was until this year.
However there were days when I felt that there was no end in sight (usually when I was alone) and at those times I went to Blogtopia.
What started out as short visits to my four favourite blogs, quickly expanded to a traveling holiday to many different worlds.
And so there are some people I want to thank.

Eric - for his daily 'Tenin Perspective' of Paris.  A trip to Paris each day soothes even the  most      troubled soul.  Thank you Eric, also for your beautiful email.

Shell Sherree - She also took me to Paris with her exquisite illustrations, but also to Venice and Brisbane :)  She took a short break from blogging and has just started posting again, but reading her past posts, and imagining sipping iced tea, on a big comfy cushion in a gondola, being fanned by Hugh Jackman always made me giggle in the most girlish way. And thank you Shell for posting words of comfort here in my own corner of Blogtopia.

Indie - for her AMAZING recipes.   There was a lot of comfort cooking going on I can tell you.

Marianne - for unknowingly sharing with me a love of vintage clothes.   Plus has helped me greatly with hair tips and makeup reviews.  This talented gal has also inspired  me with her beautiful photos and now I want a camera for my birthday.

Vicki Archer - My fantasy life in France is her reality.

Carla - for also sharing her love of all things vintage.  And for her fabulous giveaways :)

And finally, Mise - a recent discovery.  Witty, cheerful and the woman from whom I found the name Blogtopia.  Thank you also for stopping by my place with your kind words.  Kindness is never an intrusion.

You've all made my heart lighter.


  1. I'm glad you're finding some lightness in your life, Debs, amid the turmoil, and the brave face you show here must surely be easing the weight of medical events a little. Keep writing, keep taking photos!

  2. As Mise has so beautifully said, keep writing and keep photographing. Distractions can be a very good thing. If I've helped in even a small way, I'm very glad. Hugs to you and your loved ones, Debs.

  3. Aaaah blogtopia (love that word) it certainly is a great escape. Thank you for the sweet mention here Debs.:)

    Sending hugs.

  4. Shell - Distractions can be a good thing :) Thank you xxx

    Carla - Thank you and you're welcome :)


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