Birthdays, flags and chocolate.

Last Sunday (yes I'm still a week behind) we went out for Hubby's birthday.
A trip into Newtown, a reminder that Mardi Gras season has started, and some shopping topped off with the best burgers we ever had and yummy hot chocolate.
He said it was the nicest birthday outing he's had in a long time.

I think I need one of these chocolate machines......


  1. Je crois que je craquerais complètement devant la dégustation de chocolat !

    Merci pour cette publication gourmande.
    Gros bisous.

  2. Yummy! Burgers and chocolate. :) And yes, my own private chocolate machine would be... fabulous!! :D

  3. I think it should be mandatory in everyone's kitchen. :D

  4. Chocolate machine? Whoa - that sounds amazing.


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