A lovers walk.

My love and I went walking
Looking for adventure

And pirates

We discovered secluded seaside cottages
And shared tea with exiled royalty

We explored an ancient fort

And looked for pirates

But found only flowers

We watched the sun set

Photo by gorgeous sister in law

And dreamed of more adventure

My love and I went walking

We never did find any pirates..............

Photos taken in July 2013  at Coco Chocolate where hubby took me for delicious high tea, and at an 1801 Gun Battery in Middle Head where we searched for pirates.  Last photo taken by my gorgeous sister in law of a lake in Zurich.


  1. This is a sweet post
    love your amazing images.

  2. Très joli post, belle histoire de pirates!
    je découvre ton blog et je me suis inscrite pour suivre tes aventures et ceci avec plaisir!
    Merci de ta visite sur mon blog photo,( j'ai 3 blogs) merci de tes commentaires!
    je te souhaite une belle journée en te disant à bientôt!

  3. Merci de ta visite. A "Coco Chocolat", il y avait un peu de chocolat sur ton objectif, non ?

  4. Merci Cath. It's lovely to have you aboard :)


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