Weather overload

Hot then cold temperatures, bushfires, smoky washing, Spring storms.
I need a little break from crazy weather patterns and environmental dangers.
A sit in my little quiet spot with a tea and a good book should do the trick.
Nothing like a slightly overgrown Spring garden and the sound of birds to restore the senses.
Now where's the Claratyne?


  1. Les rhododendrons ont besoin de beaucoup d'espace ; tu dois avoir un grand jardin.

  2. Oui, nous sommes tres chanceux :)

  3. You are so lucky to have the warm weather starting. For us it has left and only a chill remains for the present time and is soon to be replaced by lots of snow and ice. But none-the-less I still love it here in Maine USA. I'll have to count on you to supply me with such lovely photos of flowers so I can imagine I am warm and toasty.

    1. Don't worry Carol. Come Summer I'll be wishing for snow :D

  4. Thanks Gin G, I certainly shall. Tea on the bench is always nicer with two :)

  5. What a magnificent garden! A visual delight!


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