Natures alarm

Oh little kookaburra,
How kind you are to wake me with your laugh!
With your happy song,
and the coffee machine turning on,
Makes me wonder why I set an alarm?

Curious kookaburra -  Dec 2013


  1. what a sweet photo and how much better to wake to birdsong than to an alarm..

  2. I must admit that even though I'm sleepy and want to be grumpy, the kookas do make me smile :)

  3. What a great way to start the day. He's a cutie.

  4. I've never heard the sound of the kookaburra. I suppose I could find a recording but I'd rather hear the real thing.

  5. I am rather fond of the bird life around here. They all have such personality.

    I actually tried to record one this morning, but it didn't turn out at all well.

  6. Please, dont kill a Mockingbird.


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