The elegance of eryldene

How silly one feels walking around in the rain with umbrella in one hand and camera in another, even if the gardens are very pretty.
Shelter was needed to re-evaluate my sanity.

I decided the paths were too enticing to ignore, and I was rewarded for my efforts.

The sound of rain beating on my umbrella, the discovery of flowers I had not seen before, the splish splosh of raindrops in forgotten pottery.  A delight to my senses.

However the abundance of moisture and a rapidly depleting camera battery forces me to again seek shelter.
A circular window reveals what I need.

Photos taken at Eryldene House - March 2014


  1. It's raining here too...and your pics look wonderful.
    Have a great week

  2. Lovely tour of the garden through your photographs (and I didn't get wet either) :-)

  3. Thank you ladies. Rain can be boring but makes for great pictures.
    I'm glad you didn't get wet Ann ;)

  4. Such lovely photos, I can certainly relate to you out there with your camera needing to capture the beauty regardless of the rain.


  5. A beautiful garden in the rain! Terrific shots!

  6. The foxgloves are so pretty with the rain droplets on them. Love all the wet paths and scenery. Looks like a fun walk in the rain.

  7. I love your photos, and your blog!

  8. Hope and William: Thank you. It was worth the soaking :)

    Melissa: Foxgloves!!!! Thank you! I've been trying to find out what they were.

    Nancy: Thank you:)


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