Glenelg, a tanty and time out.

Another gorgeous seaside town in South Australia.
Slosh made another appearance.

Unfortunately the sight seeing pace got the better of me and I got the sulks.
I put myself in time out.
In hindsight, I should have put myself in the naughty girl chair for my behaviour,
but thankfully hubby and daughter forgave me.

I decided to have a day to myself and see the sights of Adelaide I rushed through the day before.
The others needed a break from me too.

I found some fun surprises.

The best sweet shop I've ever seen.

Empty arcades (well it was early in the day)

Glorious old buildings, and I discovered the best antique bookshop I've seen in years.
The owner kindly directed me to his other bookshop about 20 minutes walk away, that also housed a magnificent vintage clothes collection.
Many hours were spent there.

I discovered some birds that couldn't read (you will need to enlarge the photo a little),
and then caught the bus back to the hotel.
Much recovered.
I was becoming quite the local by now........

Glenelg and Adelaide, South Australia: September 2014


  1. Great tour. The sweetshop almost looks like it could be licked! And a few welcome shots of sunshine given the dull autumn/going on winter skies and wind outside my window right now.

  2. We've had perfect Spring weather these last few weeks but already the temperature is creeping up. Soon we'll be complaining that it's too hot.

  3. I don't know what appeals to me more- that arcade or the sweetshop!


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