Some favourite things?

Baskets of odd things
and warm comfy couches

waggy tail puppies
and curious flowers

Sunbathing felines
and unusual trees

These are a few of my not-quite-favourite-but-things-I-like-to-take-pictures-of-for-my-blog things.

Day out with hubby (unfortunately I can't remember where).
Sydney - November 2014

 Addit:  Many apologies for disappearing for almost a month.  School holidays, sick daughter, travel plans, home renovations and bad a case of writers block all contributed to an absence of posts.
Sometimes life just gets in the way of my fabulous creativity dammit. ;-)


  1. what beautiful pictures !!!
    I wish you a great week !!! love all of angie from Germany

  2. Nice to see you! The dog and cat are cuties!

  3. Thank you Angie. :)
    Nice to see you too William. I must catch up on everyone elses blogs too. :)

  4. I know exactly what you mean about things that interest you, but which you're not apt to photograph and share on your blog. I have many of those myself. As I'm trying (not always succeeding, but consciously trying at least) to post more pics on Instagram this year, I think I'll expand the types of things I photograph and share and broaden my horizons on this front, too. :)

    ♥ Jessica

  5. Linda: He was a cutie and his owner was very patient while I took lots of snaps.

    Jessica: "Too many photos not enough time" is my moto lately.

  6. Hi Debs
    Your lovely comment brought me here and I really had to laugh reading your profil :o). Are we sisters *LoL*?
    Take care and have a great week

  7. Hello Debs,

    How wonderful to have found you, tracked back through the comment which you left for us,and to which we have made reply.

    An eclectic mix of images here, all of which make the mind wander into imagining the whats the whys and the wheresoevers.........clearly, there is a creative soul at work here and where it leads, who knows, but we are following it!

    Your profile is so intriguing and now we know, delight of delights, about Phyrne Fisher. To our shame we had not heard of her before, but we shall definitely be making her acquaintance before too long. She sounds the perfect dinner party guest..........and, we suspect, that you may be too!

    We shall look forward to many happy returns!

  8. Alex: How lovely to meet a fellow topsy turvy woman! ;)

    Jane and Lance: Why thank you. Half the time I have no idea where I'm going myself and get a nice surprise when I get there :) Phryne Fisher is a favourite of mine and to have her as a dinner guest would guarantee an interesting evening.

    TexWisGirl :)

  9. (^‿^)✿
    Hi Debs !!!

    Love the cute puppy pics !!!

    Have an amazing day !

  10. Bonjour,

    Parfois les aléas de la vie font que nous ne pouvons pas gérer notre temps comme nous l'aurions souhaité.

    J'aime beaucoup toutes ces jolies photos que vous nous dévoilez.
    Icarus mon dalmatien joue souvent avec une petite copine Iris semblable à votre charmant toutou.

    Gros bisous ♡

  11. Nice to see you back. I know what you mean - sometimes the things you have to do get in the way of the things you want to do; and as for writer's block - tell me about it! Errrr... Great photos, by the way. And I really appreciate your recent comment.

  12. Nancy: Thank you, he was adorable and I wanted to take him home.

    Martinealison: Yes life seems to certainly be getting in the way of my blogging at the moment.

    Mike: Your posts really brighten my day, especially when I've had to deal with really difficult people.

    Handmade by amalia: It looked so comfy but alas was occupied. I took the photo seconds after it was vacated :)

  13. Les bouchons, c'est pas vraiment bizarre, et c'est bien utile.

  14. I definitely like your not-quite-favourite-but-things-I-like-to-take-pictures-of-for-my-blog things :)

    xoxo, Juliana | PJ’ Happies :)

  15. Alain: And they make for good photos :)

    Juliana: I wasn't quite sure what category they belonged to :)

  16. Cute puppy and kitty, dear Debs !! I think it's lovely to be laissez-faire with the blogging and keep it stress-free and pleasurable. Have a happy week, my sweet. x0

  17. I like all the pics – thank you for sharing. The yellow chair looks inviting – a good place to read a mystery perhaps?


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