Lost in the Louvre

It's a beautiful day
Lets go to the Louvre!!

 It's a bit crowded but the view is nice.

Daughter wants to see the Egyptian Antiquities

And I want to see Napoleon's apartments.

Playing around with the settings on my brand new camera,
we inadvertently activated the date display. 

As a result, some of my carefully lined up this-will-be-great-for-my-blog-shots
has an annoying date on it
that is not only incorrect (the photos were taken on the 19th)
but bright yellow.

Photoshop hints anyone?

Time for a walk in the Tuilleries Garden,
Did you know there are goats?

And Smiley Faced Super Hero Digits?

Louvre and Tuilleries Garden, Paris - June 2015


  1. Bonjour chère amie,

    Je suis très heureuse de vous retrouver... Je reviendrai plus ponctuellement en septembre.

    Merci pour cette belle promenade parisienne. Vos photos sont magnifiques et celle des chèvres des Tuileries très surprenante.

    Gros bisous ♡

    1. Bonjour! Je suis très heureuse de vous retrouver aussi, et merci beaucoup 😊 xx

  2. Beautiful shots, Deb. I'm not sure how to go about removing that, but hopefully you get some answers.

    I`d love to see Paris for myself someday.

    1. I highly recommend it. And I know of a great place in Montmartre that I will post about soon. 😊

  3. If you want to see Nefertiti... go to Berlin.


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