Treasures of the V&A

The Victoria and Albert Museum contain many wonders.

A few I got to see when we spent a leisurely hour wandering the rooms.

I would have liked to have stayed longer,

because I'd heard about an exhibition of books and of  historical fashion and I was very interested in seeing them.

However it was not to be.

Because an alarm went off and all visitors were asked to evacuate the building.


Second time in a week - what are the odds?

The Victoria And Albert Museum, London - June 2015


  1. V&A was one of the first places I visited long ago (73) in my first trip to London. I remember especially the Raphanl cartoons. It's a magnificent museum and I love the pieces you showed here.

  2. Rotten luck... but a magnificent museum!

    1. It certainly is an amazing museum. I recommend it to anyone visiting London. Entry is free, there is so much to see and you can stay all day if you want - providing there are no evacuation alarms.


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