Last minute egg shopping.

You don't find many of these beautiful shopping arcades around these days more's the pity.  I love them.  It's like stepping back in time even though I know that all refurbishments are modern.
Have a happy Easter everyone.


  1. I'm with you, Debs! There's something olde worlde about these gracious arcades. This is a lovely view you've captured here. I hope you had a beautiful Easter, too. Sorry I'm so late!!

  2. My goodness I'm sorry for the late reply. I do love these places. If my memory serves me correctly there's a couple of grand arcades in Brisbane to isn't there?

  3. Debs.... ¡¡ muy linda imàgen !!
    Gracias por compartirla.
    Me encanta ir a los centros comerciales a hacer compras..

    Recibe mis saludos desde Argentina

    un beso


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