Monday Musings. Where has Manly gone?

Thanks to the continual 'development' in the Northern Beaches a lot of our lovely old buildings have disappeared.  This wonderful old garage looks it's going to be the next victim.  I remember the Manly of my youth having a great village by the sea feel.  Beautiful hotels built in the 1920's, cottages and small blocks of flats on the beach front.  There were still many places to stay and cafes and restaurants, but the place still held it's character.  Now all but one of the cottages are gone (that one left has been redevoloped and now has a great whopping apartment block in its back yard - oh but the developers 'still kept the heritage of the house alive' - what rubbish) and the beach front now resembles the Gold Coast.  I envy the beautiful cities of Europe I've visited (Paris, Zurich, etc) whose city authorities respect their heritage.  We clearly don't.


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