Hearing the carols on my stereo and preparing for all the end of year activities (school assemblies, class parties, dance concerts, organising vacation care, as well as all the Christmas shopping) made me wistful for holidays again, and thinking about the last Christmas vacation we took. I guess it's not helping that our neighbours are having the holiday of a lifetime in Italy, Great Britain and France as I type.

So once again you're forced to relive my last big Christmas vacation. (I hear groaning) In Dec 06/Jan 07 we visited the fabulous sister in law in Zurich for Christmas and Chanukah. It was just before our daughter started school so we wanted to make it a big one.

I took these photos on our first full day in Zurich (having arrived the previous morning but slept most of the day). Unfortunately I can barely remember taking the photos let alone tell you what I was taking a photo of because the jet lag hadn't worn off yet..................
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