birthdays and soapsuds

It was my birthday.  The sun came back.  I did laundry.

 I decided my windows really needed cleaning.

But that's for another day.
Instead, I went out to lunch with a friend.


  1. Doing laundry on birthdays is always good; it's emblematic of making things better.

  2. Happy Birthday Debs! Glad to hear you had a nice sunny day for your special day! Sending big hugs! :)

  3. Thank you both. I didn't know that about it being a sign of making things better. Should wash on special days more often ;)

  4. Joyeux anniversaire... Le mien était ce 20 mai et je n'ai pas fait la lessive ce jour-là!!!... le soleil n'était pas présent! La nature a fait la lessive en nous envoyant beaucoup de pluie!...
    Gros bisous

  5. Thank you martinealison. And a belated happy birthday for the 20th. :) I sometimes leave my washing out in the rain for extra rinsing too ;)

  6. Happy belated birthday, Debs! The laundry is all well and good and can be quite therapeutic on a sunny day, but lunch with a friend sounds much better!

  7. Oh yes it was. A French cafe to boot :)


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