Flicking and daydreaming.

Beautiful warm Autumn weather.  The forecast says it won't last.  So I took advantage of some Autumn sunshine, a coffee and a Aflresco Emporium catalogue I've been wanting to look through.

I love lanterns and candles.  Speaks to me of cosiness which is perfect for the coming winter.  I would love to decorate my deck with these.

With this setting on the table.  Ready for friends to pop around for coffee, wine or something to eat.

A page of red caught my eye.

I love bird cages.  Would I put candles in these, or just sit or hang them as they are?

"Island Life", said the title.  I'm not so much of an island girl, but did I tell you I love lanterns?

Another love is every day items from the past.  I like to show my daughter what people used before Microsoft Word.  Where would I put it?  I'm not sure.  Would I use it?  Probably not - I remember keys getting jammed and there are some things about the 21st century I can't do without.

I love lemons.  A happy colour, great for cooking, and I have jugs of iced lemon water on the table in summer.  A versatile little citrus.

And finally

Simply because I liked the effect of the shadow through the lattice on our deck.


  1. I wish it was fall here summer is almost here and I'm not too fond of summer haha

  2. I'm with you Farrah. Summer is my least favourite season. Too hot. :)

  3. Well, I have a very high ceiling in my kitchen with a lot of space from the top of the cabinets to the ceiling. So, I have many (more than 12) birdcages I have collected sitting in the space.

    Also, I love candles and lanterns (lanterns with candles!) too. I have not thought about putting candles in the birdcages. Hummmm.....


  4. Genie I am envious. More than 12! I can't remember where I got the idea of putting candles in the cages from, I just remember really liking it ha ha :)


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