A winter's garden - royal botanical gardens

 Warning - this is a photo and link heavy post.

Last Saturday I had a bad case of cabin fever.  The best remedy for that was to be somewhere outdoors and pretty.
It was overcast but I felt that the rain would hold off  - it did.
Mare and Foal by artist Arthur Jacques LeDuc. (link in French, sorry couldn't find English version)

What better place to be than in a beautiful garden - perfect remedy for four-wall-fever.

The Royal Botanical Gardens are in the area originally inhabited by the Cadigal people.  After European settlement the first European farm plot in Sydney (and Australia really) was established there in 1788.  The farm failed and then the Botanic Gardens were established by Governor Macquarie in 1816.

Spoooky and abandoned looking Victoria Lodge
In 1862 to 1883 the gardens held Sydney's first zoo, which was then transferred to another location.
The gardens are home to thousands of flying foxes which apparently have become a problem as they are thought to be responsible for killing dozens of trees.  In 2011, a Federal Court ruling gave the Royal Botanic Gardens and Domain Trust permission to play recorded sounds in an attempt to drive the bats from the gardens. 
 I'm not sure if the plan succeeded, but I didn't see any flying foxes on this visit. 
The Wall Walk - my favourite part of the garden - comes alive with colour in Spring.  

Little buds getting ready for Spring

I was oddly reminded of Triffids.
In some areas the only sound I heard was the wind and a ferry horn.

I was amused by this cheeky little fellow

And was rather taken by these ummm dolphins? on a statue of a Governor whose name escapes me....
Cool Aboriginal art - but unfortunately I realised it was late and was hurrying back to the car - so didn't stop to read the plaque.

A peaceful scene.

 I had a lovely day in my Winter garden.  Was very refreshed upon returning home (though my feet were a little sore.......................)


  1. Hi Deb
    Thank you for your visit... Gone with the cheese! How funny.

    What a wonderful day you must have had... These photos are just breathtaking! So that's what the bats are called!
    Wishing you a wonderful weekend

  2. Hi Penny
    And thank you for dropping by here and for your lovely comments too :) I'm planning an industrious but happy weekend. Hope yours is fun too.

  3. Beautiful pics, and what a gorgeous garden! Glad it was a healthy cure for your cabin fever. I can almost breathe the scent of the fresh air from here in the Northern Hemisphere! Thank you for sharing, Debs..

  4. Happy to oblige :)
    Nothing like a fresh air and a beautiful garden for rejuvenating one's senses.


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