An autumn dream

Whilst playing with the settings on  my new phone - and hence my new camera - I fell into an Autumn Dream.

A dream where apple blossoms and tiny villages of fairy like mushrooms appear.

 Flower petals float in the still water of a long forgotten bird bath, seeds get ready to fly, and where magical bells grow on trees.

Books stand to attention - ready to entertain on the long Winter's nights ahead, and the snuggly bathrobe comes out of hibernation.

I am roused from my daydream and gaze outside.  Willing the Autumn days to hurry.  But am cheered by the late Summer roses that Hubby bought me.


  1. Une publication adorable... Les photos sont très belles.
    Gros bisous

  2. Lovely post. Stacks of books! :) I have many of them too. It's interesting how you're longing for autumn and i'm waiting anxiously for spring. But that's the way it is in our opposite hemispheres! :D

  3. It does feel a little strange doesn't it? We've still got a few days of 30 degrees coming up so I guess I'll be longing for a bit longer.

  4. Either I love where you live or I love how you see it. Your photos are charming. So, you're beating a path to fall, and we're heading into spring. I can't tell you how strange that seems -- like we're on different planets.

  5. I do very much love my garden - it's my peace. Yes it's very bizarre about our opposite seasons sometimes. I have photos of snow from my SIL that I look at whilst under the air conditioner.

  6. Thanks for stopping by,.beautiful clicks,,

  7. That's a good hubby, Debs. :) Having a snazzy camera phone is one thing, having the eye to direct it is another. These are lovely...

  8. Thank you notyet100 :)

    More good luck than good eye Shell but thank you haha.

  9. A lovely garden Deb! We need to bring Spring here as you get ready to wrap up your Fall. I like that bird bath very much. We are in the market for one the squirrels will not knock over!

  10. Thank you :) Good luck with the bird bath caregiver/Gin, we're looking that the dog won't knock over ......


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