Quick easter break post.

Hello hello!  My goodness how time flies!  I just wanted to quickly pop in to say Happy Easter for those who celebrate, and for those who don't Happy Long Weekend!

Here is an unrelated pic of me as I was about to head off to the Love Vintage Fair a couple of weeks ago.  However due to a Series Of Unfortunate Events I never made it and the whole day left me feeling rather flat and with a confidence level of zero.  
I was trying to capture my inner 60's flight attendant with this look I think.  I also decided that black and white made me look less umm - old.
However one must always pick oneself up and dust oneself off and I'm now in the process of taking a series of pics for my next post.  Stay tuned...........

And finally, so Melissa can now stop wondering what that knitted cutie was - it's a crab :)
Enjoy the rest of the long weekend everyone xxxxxxxx


  1. I love your look in the pic! I think it's fabulous. Love the boots, btw!

  2. Thank you Mary. It's nice to have a positive comment re the outfit. xx

  3. •✰ •✰ •✰ •✰ •✰ •✰
    MAGNIFIQUE !!! Tu es belle Debs !!!

    GROSSES BISES et bon dimanche de Pâques à toi ! :)
    •✰ •✰ •✰ •✰ •✰ •✰

  4. Thank you so much Nancy, and a very Happy Easter to you too. :)

  5. Very 60s air hostess vibe, Debs {as they were called back in the day when life was so simple and naive :) }. I hope you had a beautiful Easter and are well dusted off by now. Take care.

  6. I think I'm vacuumed. Thanks Shell xx

  7. •✰ •✰ •✰ •✰ •✰ •✰
    Un petit bonjour chez toi ce dimanche
    BISES et bonne journée Debs :o)
    •✰ •✰ •✰ •✰ •✰ •✰


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