Whilst waiting for the performance to end......(or a lovers walk part 2)

We wandered dark paths

Until we found cheery patches of light

We searched for elves

And watched some magic lights.

And had animated discussions about whether or not that bright light in the sky was a beautiful star or a satellite........
(the debate continues)

Photos taken whilst waiting for daughters performance in The School Spectacular to finish - Botanical Gardens, November 2013.


  1. Australia the land of magic and summer time, I'm sure you must have heard if not seen the elves...lovely photos but that last one is quite wonderful.

  2. Thank you. I'm rather proud of that last lucky shot. And I'm sure we heard some elves :)

  3. A lovely place to ramble through at night... and that last shot is spectacular!

  4. William Kendall: Thank you, I do love the harbour by night.

    WordsPoeticallyWorth: Thank you :)

  5. William Kendall: Thank you, I do love the harbour by night.

    WordsPoeticallyWorth: Thank you :)

  6. Light in sky is perhaps VĂ©nus ?

  7. You know I think it probably was :-)

  8. How very lovely! I always (lifelong night owl that I am) been drawn to taking strolls during the darkest hours of the day (in same places, of course) like this. It's an invigorating thrill to see the world wrapped in a blank of inky air and mystery.

    ♥ Jessica

    *PS* Thank you very much for your immensely lovely compliment on this week's vintage outfit post.


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