
I love doors.
Pretty and ornate and even plain doors.
Makes you wonder and imagine what could be behind them.
And when they're painted to look like a pretty garden gate then all the better I say.

Have a bon week-end every one
(and if you're in Australia and having a little flutter on the gee gees on Tuesday, then bonne chance)

Paris - June 2015


  1. Very attractive and my favorite color! Years ago there was a woman on the internet that posted doors once a week that other bloggers had sent to her. It was so much fun to see, and so disappointing when she stopped posting that particular theme. Perhaps I should do that!!

  2. Hoe cute it this?! What a great sense of humor and whimsy!

    1. Yes I would love a door painted like this :)

  3. Replies
    1. It does. I had to look twice before realising it was a painted door.

  4. You are quite right it is an a-door-able door!
    Love the paintwork and the colours used.

    Enjoy this last day of October and all good wishes for November - this year is passing by too quickly.

    All the best Jan

  5. That is such a strikingly beautiful door, wow. We need more whimsy on architecture like that in this ol' world of ours. Just imagine how many days and lives could be brightened if there was more cheer and beauty on buildings in our towns and cities.

    Big hugs & happy weekend wishes,
    ♥ Jessica

  6. Thanks for stopping by my place. Thought I'd come check you out. Love the door. Now I'm gonna have a nosey about your place.


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