Randomly roaming in Rome

A few random snaps of one of our Roman walkabouts.

All roads (and stairs) lead to ummmm..... here.

The church of  San Pietro in Vincoli where we saw another magnificent Michelangelo statue.
Now why - do you ask - does Moses have a pair of horns sticking out of his head?
Well due to an unfortunate medieval mis-translation of ancient Hebrew text, Moses is depicted with satyrs horns instead of a halo in many works of art.

Rather calamitous for Moses

Me watching the guy watching hubby taking my photo and eyeing my bag that hubby insisted on holding but then put on the ground.  While hubby's attention was diverted the other guy slowly moved closer and closer to my bag.

I dashed forward and grabbed it before the other guy did.

Poor hubby was too trusting, but soon learned.


  1. It's a nice photo, though. Like the header picture too - it looks a little familiar...

    1. Thank you. I thought you may recognise it ;)

  2. Bonjour,

    Grrr... ! pas drôle ça !
    Jolies photos... cela compense, n'est-ce pas ? un peu !

    Gros bisous ♡

    1. Non, pas drole! Mon mari se sentait tres "sheepish".

  3. Thanks for popping by hope you managed to find something you liked and will visit again. You certainly have an eye for the beautiful, great photos.

    1. Thank you. Though it is hard to take a bad photo in Rome.

  4. Oh Debs, I'm loving your random wander. Looks delightful in every single way. And thanks for stopping at Marmelade Gypsy recently. I so enjoy your comments!

  5. I remember that archway from the last time I was in Rome. Good thing you were watching out for the bag!

    1. You do? Oh good where was it? I can't remember the street but I bought a nice scarf there. :) Yes luckily one of us was watching!

  6. How wonderful the green looks on the first photo!

  7. Poor Moses, indeed !! Wow, that clambering greenery is magnificent ~ and thank heavens you were more on guard than your dear hubby with the bag watching. From what I've heard, they are lightning fast in Rome!! Happy weekend, lovely ! x0

  8. I was forewarned by a friend before we left. I spent the whole time preventing hubby from being conned lol.

  9. Povero Mosé!
    Bellissime immagini e bravissima tu, sai Debs, non ci si può proprio distrarre, anche se si è circondati di tanta bellezza.
    Un abbraccio:)

  10. Grazie mille. Qualche volta e difficile essere attenzione ma sono felice ero.


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