End of year musings

Well the end of the year is in sight and it's time for reflections.

We've had a very full last few weeks, with our baby girl finishing her final year in primary school.  Next year she starts another stage of life in high school.

Where have the years gone?

The tears and goodbyes on the final day of school, when friends realised that they would all be heading in different directions for different high schools, is slowly turning into excitement and anticipation at the thought of holidays and new experiences (and those friends realising that even though they won't be in the same school they can still keep in touch).

I too was caught up in the emotion, with the year 6 dance, graduation ceremony and end of year picnic, all in the final week before the holidays.  Watching all those little kids I remember from kindergarten year become the young adolescents they are now - I know I wasn't the only parent looking back with pride and a touch of sadness.

But now it's the final preparations before Christmas.  Then a couple of relaxing weeks before starting back at work.

And preparing for high school....................................

I wish you all a happy and safe holiday season and can't wait to get blogging again in the new year.

Photo taken in my little kitchen last night.


  1. Wishing you and yours lots of love and laughter and a new year full of wonderous surprises.

  2. New adventures and mixed emotions ~ I don't remember going to any dances until Year 8, which is probably the equivalent of Year 6 nowadays in some ways. Yikes!

    I hope you had a beautiful Christmas Day, Debs. Take good care and enjoy the rest of your hols.

  3. ¸.•°♡♡⊱彡
    Je viens te souhaiter un JOYEUX NOËL !

    ⋱ ⋮ ⋰
    ⋯ ✰ ⋯
    ⋰ ⋮ ⋱


    GROSSES BISES ensoleillées !!!

  4. good luck to your growing girl. :)

  5. Thank you so much for your best wishes and your visit to my blog. I hope you had a lovely Christmas as well. Have a great start to the New Year too. God Bless!

  6. Thank you everyone for your lovely comments. :-)

  7. Hi Debs, hope you had a lovely Christmas. Wishing you a wonderful 2014. ♥ Carla. xo

  8. Une année qui se termine, c'est comme une bougie qui va s'éteindre : il faut vite en rallumer une autre.


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