Windy weather, holidays and a collection of clouds

As you read this post I will have landed in Melbourne for some family time, shopping time and fun in the snow time.

Not to worry - I have scheduled some posts for your reading pleasure while I'm away.

However I do hope the weather won't be like this.

Or at the very least that any clouds will be white fluffy like this.

First two photos -Manly - March 2014 (was at work watching a huge storm come over the harbour from the city)
Third photo - Beacon Hill - March 2014 (sitting at a set of lights and daughter liked the contrast of the red cars against the white clouds so grabbed my phone and snapped away)


  1. Hope you are a lovely time in Melbourne.

  2. Wow, you captured an amazing storm front! Hope you have a fun and relaxing holiday.

  3. Very dramatic skies!

    What catches my eyes particularly are the patterns of those paving stones- I assume that's what they are- down at the shore.

  4. Thankyou we had a lovely time, and yes they are paving stones ^_^


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