She withdrew......

Just a quick post today.

Things will slow down for a spell.  I have too many fingers in too many pies and there have been complaints from management.

But it's been a beautiful day outside.

And I've baked a little something for you all.

So now it's time to close the blinds and say good night.

Night night :)


  1. Beautiful final shot! We'll see you when things slow down a bit.

  2. Bonjour,

    Hummm !! je voudrais bien une part de ce fameux gâteau !...
    Très jolies photos.

    Gros bisous 🌸

  3. I've been overwhelmed lately too, Debs. It happens. It will again. Enjoy and savor time -- and don't worry about us!

  4. Thank you everyone. I still have a few scheduled posts in the wings and will still be posting new things but just not as often for a little while until life calms down :)


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