Little London wonders and an apology for a long absence.

Apologies to all those who thought I fell down a rabbit hole.
I was shocked to see that it has been a month since my last post.
Four weeks of house guests tends to disrupt ones routine more than writers block.
However, the house is almost back to normal after the last guest departed and there is only one more guest to arrive for a week's stay, and thankfully I will be out of town for most of that visit anyway.

Anyway where was I.....

Oh yes.......

Pondering by pools and catching eyefuls of buses.

Glorious galleries and long running productions.

Shopping at Liberties and Carnaby Street

 Are just some of my favourite London things.

London - June 2015


  1. Oh, I'm longing to step into this London -- London with a sunny sky and enough time to really enjoy it! I really understand the blog break -- it happens! Now you're here and sharing one of my favorite cities!

    1. We had such fun and it was beautiful weather. My blog break was unintentional. I thought I would still have time to write posts but instead fell into bed each night completely exhausted.

  2. Beautiful shots- I'd love to get to London someday.

    1. Yes I've decided that 5 days wasn't enough and I have to go back for longer.

  3. I came to look at a pretty picture taken in Australia and was stopped by your heading – I thought, that looks like Paris. Then I saw your pictures of London – all of them made me happy. I miss not having been to London for a while. I did get to see “The Mousetrap” twice, years apart, and would love seeing it again. Thanks for the great pictures.

    1. You're right, the header is of Paris. One of many streets we discovered off the tourist track that amazingly beautiful and yet I can't remember the name of it.

  4. Central London is a fabulous place to mozzie around - so many classy shops & eateries and a wonderful place to just sit & people -watch?
    I love your very Parisian header!

    1. Oh wonderful people watching!!!! Thank you :)

  5. Thanks for dropping by Eiffel Tells and leaving such a lovely comment. I love the bio on your blog and images of London. I haven't been there for ages so it's always lovely to have my memory jogged. Warm regards. Elizabeth

    1. You're welcome. You do write beautifully. :)

  6. Hello, Wonderful city scenes and shots of London! Have a happy day!


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